Ganoderma australe  (Fr.) Pat. 1889
Main synonym = Polyporus australis    Fr. 1828
Taxonomical Classification:  Fungi / Basidiomycota / Agaricomycetes / Polyporales / Ganodermataceae
Southern Bracket     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
Ganoderma australe are large bracket funghi that grows on the lower parts of tree trunks. In Malta it is often found on carob trees. This species forms large brackets about 30cm across, but can reach up to 50cm. It has a dark-brown to brownish gray surface, and a contrasting white body (tube layer) below which releases tiny brown spores. It forms brown, ovoid spores with a truncate apex and a size of 8-13 x 5.5-9.0 um. It is distributed in central Europe, but widespread in Britain.

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